Career planning and career moves are major decisions anyone would have to make at some point in their work life. These crossroads are life changing moments and no one would want to make the wrong decision.

DIS will provides career counseling to help you to determine your preferred career options and pathways and will hand-hold you through the process of looking for a fitting job through strength and competency appraisal, and option evaluations. We develop strategies and customize action plans to maximize your chance of landing your coveted job.

With DIS, the formula for career success is simple: Skills + Aspiration + DIS = Career Achievement and Success.

In your next career move, do take DIS into consideration.

Speak to us TODAY!

Our team of professional and friendly consultants would be happy to assist you in securing your dream job.

Opening Hours:

  • Monday to Friday (Closed on Public Holidays)
  • 9am to 6pm

To schedule an appointment, simply contact our consultants @ +65 6284 9929 or email us @ recruit@dismanpower.com.sg